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Assessment Pathways

Getting assessed for ADHD or autism can provide valuable insights into your cognitive and behavioural patterns, helping you to understand yourself better.

It can lead to tailored strategies and support, improving your daily functioning and overall well-being. 

There are different pathways to assessment and diagnosis, we have collated information below with links to relevant websites.

NHS Right to Choose

If a GP needs to refer you for a physical or mental health condition, in most cases you have the legal right to choose the hospital or service you'd like to go to.  You can read more about right to choose on the NHS website here NHS


Right to choose options for ADHD and autism assessments.


ADHD 360 current new referral waiting time is 8 - 12 weeks. 

ADHD Adults  (16+) 

ADHD Children  (14 - 15)


Clinical Partners current new referral waiting time is 7 - 10 months.

Clinics in Bristol, Birmingham and other areas.

Autism Children  (5+)

Autism Adults

ADHD Children (5+) currently PAUSED

ADHD Adults


Dr J & Colleagues current new referral waiting time is 16 - 18 weeks.

ADHD Adult 18+

Autism Adult 18+


Evolve Psychology current new referral waiting time is 6 months.

Children ADHD 6+

Children Autism 6+

Please note that the clinics are in Harrogate and Huddersfield for in-person appointments. Currently assessment only, no titration for ADHD medication. 


Psychiatry UK current new referral waiting time in excess of 18 months with a further wait for titration for ADHD medication.

Adult ADHD 18+

Adult Autism 18+





Gloucestershire NHS Service

The adult ADHD service pathway 18+

Speak to your GP.

Your GP can make a referral to the Mental Health Intermediate Health Care Team. You need to be referred to this team before being referred to the adult ADHD service. 

The waiting list has been between 7 - 10 years since 2022. This may change as there is a new team member.


The adult autism service pathway 18+

Referrals can be made via your GP,  the mental health intermediate care team, Gloucestershire recovery in psychosis recovery teams, inpatient wards and eating disorder teams.


Children's Autism Pathway 0 - 11 years

The Social Communication and Autism Assessment Service can be made by any Health, Education or Social Care professional working with the child or young person.  

Before a referral is made for an assessment, a Team Around the Child meeting should be arranged to bring professionals together to explore the child’s needs. Following the meeting, professionals and parents should agree that there is a Social Communication need requiring further assessment before a referral is made. 


Children's ADHD Pathway 6-11 years


Referrals are made via your GP.

ADHD assessments for children and young people aged between 6-11 are carried out by the Community Paediatric Service within Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

 A referral is more likely to be accepted if the GP can include supporting information with the referral. This should include:

  • Completed “Supporting Information from Education Setting (DOCX, 322.4 KB) ” form

  • Evidence of significant inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity in multiple different settings e.g. home, school, extracurricular, for at least 6 months

  • Any information from school outlining your child’s needs

  • A copy of your child’s My Plan/My Plan+ (or an equivalent) or EHCP.

  • Reports from Educational Psychology and/or Advisory Teaching Service, if available

  • Evidence that parents have attended a parenting programme such as Triple P (this is included in NICE Guidelines)

  • Evidence alternative causes have been considered e.g. environmental, mental health, sleep etc.


Autism and/or ADHD children's pathway 11 - 18 years

This is through CAMHS.

Referrals to the CAMHS Neurodiversity Team, for children and young people from 11 to 18 years old, can be made by any health, education or social care professional working with the child or young person. Before a referral is made for an assessment, a Team Around the Child (TAC) meeting should be arranged to bring professionals together to explore the child’s needs.

All children and young people should have a plan of support in place before referral for an assessment, this is a My Plan, My Plan + or EHC.



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